APRIL 1989

Dear Brethren;

Greetings again from your overseas correspondent.

It seems that I only did this last week. The time is quickly fleeting by as we get back into the work here full steam ahead.

Kathy and I wish to express our gratitude for the overwhelming response our last newsletter brought. We know you receive our newsletter monthly but rarely get that much mail (we know you are busy and do pray for us). It is encouraging to be overwhelmed by the number of letters of sympathy we received. Thank you each and every one of you. It is nice to know that we have not only fellowship in our joys but also our grief.

On our last leave I talked with a number of elders in the church who are also businessmen with they own businesses. They asked me a number of times if I had thought of doing commercial printing to supplement the dwindling support for our work. I had thought of this but could not do so until we were granted permanent visas here in New Zealand. As many of you are aware Kathy has been serving as the secretary for the South Pacific Bible College for the past 2 1/2 years. This support has allowed us to remain in the field and even plan for further involvement. Our support has been reduced to under $1,000. per month from sources there in the USA. We have a couple of congregations who have expressed that they will try to commence monthly support by the end of 1989. But that doesn't help us until then. We feel that the Lord is directing us to remain here and continue our involvement in the South Pacific Outreach. Too many things have happened and doors opened to think otherwise. Another door which is opening wider each day is commercial printing. Up to now our endeavor into commercial printing has been limited but we are receiving encouragement to take a more active role. We are hoping to find the happy median: to do enough commercial printing to provide support so that we can push ahead with the Outreach program into the islands and to continue to provide Bible related material as close to cost as possible for the Island work.

As stated before, maybe the Lord desires us to build tents until such time that sufficient support is available OR the Lord is saying, "use those talents and provide your own support." Please pray for us and the decisions to be made!

For those of you providing support please be assured that your support is being used to the best of our ability to see that lost souls will hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, especially within the printed page and Follow-Up training schools for World Bible School.

In the last newsletters I have not given a total of copies run because of space limitations. But since we arrived back in January over 317,803 copies have been printed. There is a good possibility that we will run over the one million copies mark this year as well. We are going to have to reprint the second book in the World Bible School series as we are completely out. In addition I am on a committee to write a whole new booklet to precede the Red book or First book in the WBS series. I mentioned last month the difficulties we were experiencing with the Fiji work. With this in mind we are putting a booklet together of lessons on: "The existence of God", "The Origin of the Bible", "How We Got the Bible", "Inspiration of the Bible", "Understanding the Bible", and "God Speaks Today". Even though some of this is covered within the existing course it seems that we ASSUME the students think logically like we do and/or they have been taught some of this before. They need a better understanding of the three dispensations, the two covenants and the authority of Jesus OVER ALL other prophets and sundry gods. Many of the students are Indians (lineage from India) and Hindu is their religion. They have no concept of God and Jesus. The students are also finding the True and False questions very confusing and they view them as trick questions. We are thinking of more multiple choose.

I am also in the process of obtaining a Typesetting machine. We have come to where our work requires more typesetting and we have two options: an Apple Macintosh + laser printer + software or a proper typesetter. I heard through the printer's grapevine that a small operator was trying to get someone to just take over monthly payments on a machine he had bought two years ago. So I contacted the printer and I have an appointment with my banker tomorrow to see about financing. The Apple with needed equipment is just too much right now but we feel that we can swing the typesetter. Again we feel that the Lord is providing something which we have been praying about for some time (even though it isn't a slick new Apple 6 laser printer). We could still use a used Apple 2c or equal to use in the WBS program. We have software which allows us to use prepared answers for most often asked questions. We even have a printer but wouldn't turn down another to be used in Fiji.

I am hoping to get advertisements into the National newspaper of Papua New Guinea this month. We should be getting some response about two weeks after that.

From here in New Zealand we have sent out over 4,000 introductory lessons for World Bible School. In Fiji there are now 1,195 students on registration. These are students who are either doing the second or third book. So far the local workers have only been able to visit personally with just over 100 of them. This is where we are getting the feedback as to how effective the courses are. We were blessed this month in having Josua Conivanua back in New Zealand from Fiji. He is supported in full-time follow-up for WBS. He was the keynote speaker for our annual family church camp. He also sat in the WBS committee meeting and shared with us some of the problems and blessings they are experiencing in the follow-up work.

Along with the printing and being the director of the WBS program I am part of the planning and scheduling of Leadership Training Schools and/or WBS Seminars into the Islands. I am pushing for such a school by July this year in Fiji to help the follow-up with the WBS there. We will probably go in low profile with the first school and then invite other workers/helpers to subsequent schools if it shows promise. Our full-time workers need direction and encouragement from time to time and Lord willing I will be available to provide that throughout the year.

Many times we lack space to thank all of you who read our newsletters and contribute to our needs either financially or prayerfully. Whenever we think of the amount of money that is being contributed by congregations and individuals to support us in our work we are amazed and humbled. We praise God for taking care of our needs through the sacrificial giving of faithful Brothers and Sisters. Thank you for believing with us that God can use us to touch lives for Him in this part of the world. You are a constant source of blessing and encouragement to us.
Please remember the following in your prayers: OUR SUPPORT (and/or business), TERASA IN ENGLAND ON CAMPAIGN, OPEN DOORS, OPEN HEARTS, MONE PAIGOL (a young man from Papua New Guinea who with his family desires to come to Bible College here, missionaries in PNG are trying to secure his needed monthly support), WBS work in Fiji.

Until next month, may God continue to bless your efforts in His kingdom.

the Huffs