VOLUME 4; No.9                                                                       SEPTEMBER 1981

Dear Brethren;

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

During August we once again were in school with our Bible Training school. From the time school here began we have operated on a shoestring to keep it going. But believing we prayed! At times the shoestring was frayed pretty thin but it was the Lord's way of saying, "My grace is sufficient." We received a phone call last week from Andy Scott (who is back there on leave) that the Lord has raised up a congregation in New Mexico who will be providing monthly support to enable us to continue our training programs. Truly the only way in which the Gospel will be shared with this nation of over 750 different languages is in training local brethren in Biblical truths. Principals which they then will share with their "wantoks", (one-talk, same language group).

This school term followed the pattern of past terms. Our men were excited by doing the Lord's work and Satan starts throwing his fiery darts. People who have metal roofs on the houses seldom worry about fiery darts burning up their houses. But people with grass roofs have a constant worry of fire. Brethren I speak in riddles: The helmet of salvation is that piece which protects our whole lives. When one has never truly put their whole trust in the Lord the helmet is not firmly in position, thus open to attack. Superstition and fear are tools used by Satan to oppress people all over the world. This is never more evident than here in Papua New Guinea. This is what I liken to grass roofs on houses. Salvation is available but most of these people still fall back to the "magic". Satan's fiery darts come and so quickly the fires burn. (Last week a rugby game broke out in a fight after the losing team accused the winning team of using "magic" to win.)

We began this term Aug 5th with 24 students. Two weeks later Satan again began hurling his darts. 5:00 AM on Sunday some boys were caught trying to to break into the school buildings. They had climbed, over the fence but when approached they said they were only looking for girl friend who had run off. There was 5 of them. Wamel (dorm master, teacher) was punched a couple of times but they finally left. They spend the next 32 hour pitching rocks into four of our houses. That morning after worship the school board met with the students. We found out who the guys were but they ran away when we went out to speak to them. That afternoon new rumors began. The guys were going to return to the school and burn it down. AT NIGHT WHEN EVERYONE WAS ASLEEP. FEAR !!!!!!

Three of our students left for home. A couple of our supposedly stronger Christians, proposed taking the women and children to Goroka and they would remain and fight. They said that if I would come stay all night at the school that the rascals wouldn't come. 20 to 5 they are outnumbered, 21 to 5 they would win?????? Thanks for the ego boost fellows. QUIET PREVAILS

Well here is how we finally settled it. Two of our from the school board went down and had discussions with the older brothers and fathers of these 5 guys. We said if anything came up the police would be brought in, if everything cooled down we would forget the incident. (These same 5 guys are thought to be the same ones who broke into the school in June and stole $60. of food). SO FAR things have remained quiet. By letting the families know this brought pressure against the whole family of "losing face".

During this term of school the following classes were taught: I taught Survey of Matthew-Acts; Wamel, Romans; Jab Mesa, Judges; Tim Titipu, Joshua. Both Jab and Tim work and they taught their classes in the evening. It was the first time either of them taught in the school. Even with the raging fires I was very encouraged this term. (Kathy would probably say different by the moods I expressed.) One of the students and his wife were baptized.

Even in a area with an average of 250" of rain a year we have no water from time to time. The school is located in a dry area. We don't always get rains which fall in Goroka, about 2 miles away. The river is some distance and so our water supply has consisted of what we can catch in big tanks off the roofs. This last month our entire garden died- NO RAIN. So we decided to dig a well.

WE BROUGHT IN A GUSHER (really a seeper)
The school students thought I was crazy. But they dug (no diggy no eatty). About 15 feet down through clay they started digging in sand. finally water began seeping up. They all yelled for the guy down in the hole (8' x 4') to get out quick before the hole filled up and drowned him. They just knew they had hit the ocean. The next day to their dismay only about an inch of water was down in the hole and I made them continue to dig. Mel Bowman was able to buy a pressure pump at an auction last week.
If the pump works it could save us as much as $400 in setting up the rest of the system. Hopefully I can work out an irrigation system for the gardens. The ground here grows almost everything provided there is enough moisture. This water supply should also allow us to install a shower room for the school boys and help keep our drinking water tanks full.
If by the length of this school report you think that is all I did this month, you are close to right. What with feeding, teaching, hearing reports, stopping fights, supervisor, basketball goal installing, etc. I had few hours for other things. (I am writing this report the Sunday after I took the school boys back to their villages for the month break.)

For some time now I have been doing the English BCC work here in Goroka. The following excerpts are from letters which I receive from time to time. English is a second language to these people. (What excuse can I use?) I don't write to make fun but to show you some ways English can be expressed by others.:

"Dear sir/madam, I heard some pastors priching and say keeping Sunday and Ive search through my Bible and I can't find it. Could you tell me in which capture and verse does the Bible menson about keeping Sunday."

"Thank You for you attention My name is Alwis Atbo I'am doing grade 7 this year so may you let me do the COURSE as I'am a new born Christina asking for couse to do no more to say but that all."

"Hellow and how are you, and how is the work of God going on. And I have had that the Church of Christ is a very faithful church. And I spend most of my spare times on reading the good news of God. And so I would like you to help me with one Holy Bible. Or make me some forms for me to fill in the forms (Ed: application). That's all ....May the Lord bless this letter."

Don't forget! Upcoming event
To be in Texarkana

In Christian Love

The Huffs