August & September 2007 Newsletter


Dearest Brethren in Christ,

Greetings from the Melanesian Bible College. We are already in September and we have to believe time flies with our God in control. We continue to praise and thank our God for the wonderful partnership you have with us in taking the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the lost souls of Papua New Guinea. Thank you.! We wish to share with you the events over the month of August and part of this month so you can be kept updated with us.


Classes continue with Miamel and Joe teaching and me working on the certificates, students fares for returning home and other jobs that needed to be done. During the month, Becky took a special class to help the children of the students and our neighboring community to read and write in pidgin. Becky got them excited as they will read during the graduation to their parents.

After a year of planning for the first Markam District Youth Camp, our Youths hired a truck and Becky and I drove the school truck for a week end from the 24th to the 26th. Becky and I were the speakers and the topic we taught on was "The church of Christ for Tomorrow" We did three parts of the church of the N.T. time, Today and tomorrow. There was over 150 youths from different congregations in different villages of the Markam District.

Becky helping out in cooking

The Youths after Sunday Worship


On our way back to Lae, we stopped at the airport to pick up our visiting teacher Kevin Dye from the Leanna church of Christ in Nashville. He taught for two weeks on studying and living godly life after school a more practical lesson for students to keep on studying the Word of God after they graduate and practice what they learn in school.


We awaited another prayer answered to have our guest speaker for the 17th MBC graduation from Highland Street church of Christ, Memphis, Tennessee, Larry and Joe McKenzie. Larry is one of the minister with HSCC for 38 years. He was in the beginning of the school of life now currently the Melanesian Bible College. For Joe this was her first trip to PNG while Larry was here now the 6th trip. We want to thank the elders and the members of HSCC and those who gave the funds for the McKenzie's trip, one that is special as this may be their last trip. They encouraged us and made the graduation one that will be remembered for a long time. Larry also spoke at my Religious Instruction class at a public Secondary School and preach a sermon for the MBC last Sunday with the stuff and students. Thank you Larry and Joe.


(left: Graduates Listening to Larry- Middle: Translating for Larry- Right: Larry & Joe)

They will continue their travel to Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and return to the US in the first week of October. Our prayers go with them.

We also would like to thank brother Lendo Bal a board representative from the Chimbu Province who also was another guest speaker at the graduation. He also assisted to drive the students from Chimbu back to their homes.

To all you wonderful families in Christ who support the MBC in many silent ways in financial support, prayers and emails and letters, we also salute you and thank you for your silent partnership. Our God will richly bless you all.

God bless and Keep you,

Jab & Becky Mesa