November, 2013

Dearest Friends and family

After we left Vanuatu they started getting the much needed rain they had not been getting. SO the garden we left with produce is still maturing and SOMEONE will eat well.

Over the past two weeks I have had the CT scans, chest x-rays, blood work, bone scan and EKG that was needed for the Houston VA to evaluate for my upcoming prostate surgery (to remove it).

The CT scan impression was:
1. No acute abnormality or significant change from the prior study.
2. No finding suspicious for metastatic malignancy.
3. Cystic mass in the right kidney is unchanged and is most likely a benign simple cyst.
4. Cholelithiasis without evidence of cholecystitis.

The Chest x-rays impression was
1. No acute cardiopulmonary process
2. Brain density left infrahilar lung, which could be related to summation of densities.      Consider short interval followup.
3. Multiple minor wedge deformities of thoracic vertebrae.

The blood work revealed:
1. My thyroid had been reduced even more by my immune system and thus I need the meds adjusted.
2. I still have a wacko immune system.
3. I still have impaired kidney function.

The bone scan impression was :
1. No scintigraphic evidence for osteoblastic disease.
2. Findings raise the concern for possible insufficiency/stress fracture of the sacrum.
3. Findings suggest some degree sinusitis involving the ethmoids and right maxillary sinus.

The EKG - heart is 100%

SUMMONS TO HOUSTON VA for organ donation
So today after noon I received a call from Houston VA saying I was expected in Houston December 2nd for a Preop consult with anesthesia and urology and the prostate removal surgery is scheduled for December 17th.

Thank you so much for all of you who are praying for us, supporting us and have contributed to our needs. God bless you! Thank you for your prayers!

Thank you Lord for healing and what we have!

Grace & Peace

Tobey & Kathy

Contributions for the Huffs, the Bible school and house can be sent to:

Huffs/Bible School
c/ Mt Hope church of Christ
2830 Mt Hope Rd
Webb City MO 64870
Tobey & Kathy Huff
c/ 2730 E. 24th St
Joplin. MO 64804

Ph: 678 596-4821 (Vanuatu is + 17 hours)

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