VOLUME 7; NO. 12                                                                        DECEMBER 1984

Dear Brethren;

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This newsletter is the last one for this year. Where has the time gone? As our private Lear-Jet is in for repairs this month we will not be returning there to wish each of you our hope for a happy holiday season. So this is for you:

One of the jobs which I am supposed to be performing in my duties as printer is the correcting of submitted material. That is to make sure the spelling is correct. The firm who sold me the electronic typewriter said that it would correct spellinbg mistakes. I have been waiting I finally read the book and it said the operator had the ability to correct spelling mistakes. After meeting me the company still sold the machine to ME! (They said something about the warranty being invalid in my case or something.) See Mom, there are suckers still being born. In my October report I said that it was Volume 7; No. 11. I then said that the November report was Volume 7; NO. 11. So when you file the reports in the archives put the October report before the November report. Only because I remember writing the October one first.

Also the November report was typed as the NOVERMBER report. This should be filed after the OCTORBER report. (While I forgot to send.) For you who were cornfused in the October report as to how the kids would be needing their school fees for the 1975 year, so was Terasa. It should have read, "school fees will be due Feb' 85 for Jason ($1500) and Terasa ($2500)." These are still needed and your help would be most welcome. Thank You !

As far as I can recollect these are the only mistakes made over the last few months, not counting the mistake of getting up a few mornings.

I thought that since few news worthy things had conspired this month I would enclose a few pictures of the song book being put together
In addition to collating and binding on the song book I did have time to run 56,220 sheets in, through and under the printing rollers this past month. This included Christmas cards; 1400 copies of a 12 page bi-monthly newspaper for the brethren here; 850 copies of the 1985 Plan Book for the brethren; BCCs; Bible class materials; and a couple of tracts.


Over the past several months the Goroka congregation has slowly been experiencing an increase in attendance both on Sunday and on Thursday night. Our Sunday attendance is now averaging 104 in worship with 37 Christians. Thursday night we see an average of 87. (Really 86.5 but the .5 fellow doesn't like to be stared at so we count him as 1.)

Also during November we had four baptisms. Two resulted from a member teaching his neighbors and the other two were a result of Jab's teaching in the Technical School here. We have also re-begun a program to reach out to a large number of the unfaithful brethren in the community. Please remember these in your prayers!

Until next year, may God continue to bless and watch over you and yours,

the Huffs