Volume 5; No.1 January 1982

Dear Brethren;

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus!

From time to time we have shared with you the type of roads we have here and which we have to drive on. This last month the main highway disappeared for several days. It has been our habit to go up into Chimbu on Sunday morning to worship with the various congregations we have there. There is only one road and that was the one. The previous Saturday night I was awaken early in the morning with a downpour and decided that we wouldn't be going into Chimbu that morning. We were not anywhere near the landslide when it occurred but we could have been. Here were the headlines:

From time to time we have had people ask us "why are you over there?" The following excerpt from the local paper in regard to the mudslide which closed the road.:

The people here are influenced very deeply in their daily lived by what they regard as the "spirit" world. In our teaching and admonishing this is not something to be taken lightly. If we pu-pu the idea that the "spirits" are nothing then the people do not respect us anymore.
The "spirits" are very real brethren but the Lord has overcome. With this in mind they we try to help the people to understand that they have nothing to fear from the "spirits" but to trust in the Lord.

Early last month we traveled to Mount Hagen to visit with the brethren and to pick up some printing supplies from a printing firm up there. We stayed at a missionary hostel. This same place was where Rick Niland had a windshield removed off of his car during the middle of the night. And a new Datsun truck had been pinched only two weeks before we arrived. They advised that we park our car at the hospital across the street even though they had just installed a security light out front of the hostel. My problem was that I didn't think anyone would be able to steal MY car. It had a steering wheel lock and all.

The first night it was ok! The second night the manager of the hostel hollered me up at 12:30. The thieves had struck. They broke out the rear right window (this woke the manager) opened the doors, twisted the steering wheel enough to snap the steering lock (so much for my confidence) and had the wires off the switch and hotwired. They had one wire misplaced or they would have gotten away. The manager came out and scared they off just as the police drove up (the thieves had run right by them but the police didn't stop).

We do have insurance on the car. We have $150. deductible. The cost of parts to repair the damage: $149.00. So much for the (or any) extra monies we might have.

As we begin this another year we want to thank you who have contributed financially and prayerfully toward our labors this past year. We pray that you will continue to pray for us and the brethren here in Papua New Guinea. We also pray that the Lord will continue to bless your efforts for "Heaven's Sake" wherever you are!

With school out for summer break we held a Holiday Bible School for the children who attend services. We averaged over 60 and used some of our national teachers. It some ran smoother than our last V.B.S. where we had over 600.

Our teachers got into the spirit of the game (they had to use Ben-Gay the next day.  Happiness is coloring the hand-out papers of the Bible story.

Happy New Year!

The Huffs