VOLUME 3: Number 9                                                                     October 1980

Dear Brethren:

Greetings in the name of the Lord!

As the song says "We've only Just Begun". Two songs best express our feelings "I've been Everywhere" and Eddie Rabbit's hit, "Driving My Life Away". (We missionaries can relate to that!)

We left Indiana the first week in August. During September we went to: Joplin, Mo.-Sulphur, Okla.-El Paso, Tex.-Grants, N.M. - Kayenta, Ariz.-Gallup, N.M.-Borger, Lubbock, Brownwood, Ft. Worth, Texas and Abilene - Wheeeeeee! (While in El Paso, Kathy had a relapse of "malaria", but has recovered.)

I wish I could say that we have all the funds for "OUR NEEDS", but I cannot. We have located some printing equipment, we have some monies toward our traveling expenses, but we still need the "listed funds".

The printing needs concern the whole work in Papua New Guinea. Without the printed page in PNG we in effect limit our overall program for evangelizing PNG for Christ. The overall plan calls for the establishment of Bible Training Schools in 5 strategic centers: Port Moresby, Lae, Goroka, Mt. Hagen and Rabaul. Our Biblical training includes helping our preachers learn how to use research and study aid materials for their grounding and growth. Without these materials in Pidgin English, it is up to the missionaries to program their converts. (Pretty tough!)
Materials in the Pidgin English language are very limited. Thus, in 1978, we began the printing ministry out of Goroka. Since we began, materials have been produced which are being used in the Bible class curriculums through PNG. Sermon outline books are available and a topical index has been printed (180 pages) which is not only being used by the brethren but also by various denominations.

We do not have a concordance for the Pidgin English! From day one of the printing work we have worked on a broken "shoestring budget". Only through the generosity of some brethren in Texarkana do we have paper stock and curriculum stock.

Joe Cannon has spent hundreds of hours working on a "primee" concordance for the Pidgin Bible. At present, it is being typed for printing. The press we are trying to purchase could facilitate this job by 1260%. Do you think the printed page is worthy of your support? It's bad enough that a large populace of PNG is illiterate. It is worse when the literate have not the materials with which they can grow stronger in the Lord.

We need a congregation (or individual) who will accept the printing work challenge for the whole of PNG. .$500 per month and $20,000 "one-time expense" is little investment for equipment which will make a difference between heaven and hell for possibly millions.
The second annual PNG Forum was held in Abilene Sept. 26 & 27. The theme was "Taking PNG for Christ". Missionaries in attendance included: the Huffs, the Joe Cannons, the David Locks, the Rex Morgans, the Reg Coles, Larry Voyles. Robert Mingo, evangelist from Lae was also there. Former helpers and missionaries to PNG were also in attendance. A real exciting time was enjoyed by all.
Anyone have some hipwaders to loan me? Heavy rains have accompanied our trip throughout the Southwest. $1,000 per inch sounds reasonable ... about 14 inches. Send to .....

October will see us traveling ... Mo., Ark., Okla., La., Texas.

"News from the field". The building of the Biblical Training School in Goroka is slowly continuing. Building has been delayed because of low funds for materials. Please pray about this. We need $15,000 for minimum building needs. These funds were needed LAST MONTH!
