October 1987

Dear Brethren;

Greetings and peace in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

This past month has been a record breaking month again. I went into the printshop early and home late. I was able to finish printing the "Church" World Bible Correspondence course and the "For God So Loved" course. Sheet totals for the month was a record breaking 279,699 sheets. There were many days when I had two presses running flat out. I am still in the fun part of collating, stapling, folding and trimming all of the booklets. These booklets were needed to meet the current need we have with the Bible correspondence courses in the Fiji Islands. Over 700 new courses have been sent out since June!

PRINTING UPDATE: September 279,699 Since January 911,291 pieces.

Again this month (even today) the New Zealand dollar has achieved new highs against the American dollar. This has eroded our support down another few cents per dollar exchanged. We also were sadly informed that more monthly support has ceased. This drops our monthly support base to under $1700 per month. Our budget when we planned on coming was for $3000 per month ($2000 salary and $1000 workfund). Please continue your prayers that we might secure a sponsoring/supporting congregation soon.

The end of this month will see us moving again here in Tauranga. Many of you will remember that we moved into a 'leave' house (the people are on holiday overseas). The owners of the house will be returning in early Nov. and we have finally located a house (rather the Lord has provided) on the other side of town. There is a very chronic shortage of suitable rent housing here in Tauranga. That which was available was not practical. The hospital chaplain is taking up a new post in another town and he and his wife had their house on the market for sale. They decided not to sell because of the low market at present and when they saw our ad in the paper they called us up. We went over and looked at it and said we would take it. It is a large 3 bedroom with a lounge and living room. It also has a spa pool off the master bedroom. (Not that this affected our decision!) It is located on the side of town away from the Bible College and the kids school. Legally the kids should change schools next year but there is a policy of finishing a school once they start. It's only about 2-3 miles to bike. (Why I remember how my dad said he use to have to walk 6 miles every day in all kinds of weather. He also sold me the London Bridge.) The route to school is right past the printshop. The rent is just over $540 per month which is good for the size of house. The only other house we looked at was a matchbox house which had housed a cat for the past year (great for Kathy's allergies). This one also has an office for my computer and study and a garage for storage. The Lord continues to provide. Thank you for your prayers.


(LEFT) The Teimanu Temanu family members of the Tuakura Tuakura group. They opened their home up to us. The kids were funtastic.
(RIGHT) Tuakura Tukura's group who call themselves "The First Presbyterian Christian Church. They have broken from the Cook Islands Christian Church and wish to follow the New Testament pattern of practice and worship.

The pictures are of the trip I took in July. The Mesas are still preparing to go to the Cook Islands. The Cook Islands work is currently being coordinated by the Hastings NZ congregation. Last weekend it was decided that the South Auckland congregation would accept the oversight of the Mesa family to the Cook Islands. The Hastings congregation would continue the World Bible Correspondence Course work and would coordinate with the Mesas on the follow-up of the WBCC. The South Auckland congregation has a number of strong contacts with the Cook Islands. One member has already donated a motor bike for the Mesas to take to the Cook Islands. The South Auckland congregation has also indicated that they will be providing at least NZ$100 (US$67) per week toward support. The additional support of $9600 still needs to be secured as soon as possible.

Lord willing, the Mesas have planned the following: 1) graduation from the Bible College in early December; 2) Return to Papua New Guinea for 6 weeks to visit with families and friends; 3) Return to New Zealand to work with the South Auckland and Hastings congregations and the Cook Island communities associated with both congregations for 3 months; 4) Depart for the Cook Islands. Visit Rarotonga and then move out to Aitutaki where the most receptive groups are currently enrolled on Bible Correspondence Course.

When the Mesas go either myself or Malcolm will accompany them for several weeks. This will require a travel fund on my part as we lack sufficient support at present to enable me to save toward this trip. Can you help? ($1000)

Please continue your prayers for the Mesas as several things still need to be put into place before they can depart.

REMINDER: I am currently putting together a 1988 calendar of the Lord's work in the South Pacific. If you haven't sent us a letter or note (on or off a check) sometime this year I might not have your current address. Better drop a line to make sure.

Your servants because of the cross,

the Huffs